5 Green Flags to Seek Out in Relationships

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July 8, 2023

5 Green Flags to Seek Out in Relationships

You’ve heard of red flags in relationships, but you’re so used to looking for what’s wrong that you forget to notice what’s going well.

Green flags in relationships can be a great way to know if you and your partner are on the right track - but what are common green flags to look for?

Here at KMA Therapy, we know you want to have healthy, supportive relationships. For over 14 years, we’ve been helping our clients learn how to find their ideal partnerships.

After reading this article, you’ll know five green flags to look out for in your relationships.

5 Relationship Green Flags

When you start dating someone new, look for these five ways to predict whether they could be a great partner for you.

1. They Respect Your Boundaries

When you start dating someone new, it can be tempting to want to spend all your time together.

Still, you have other commitments to keep up with - your friendships, family, and work will also take up some of your time.

A partner who is supportive of the parts of your life that don’t involve them is a green flag - even though they want to spend time with you, they respect that you have other commitments and they don’t try to monopolize your time.

2. They Know How to Communicate

It can take a while to learn how someone communicates - it takes time to learn someone’s personality, their sense of humour, and how they express themselves when they’re upset.

A green flag to look for is a partner who communicates - they don’t shut you out when things get difficult, but they’re willing to let you know how they feel and work through things together.

3. They’re Respectful to Other People 

If your partner isn’t respectful of you, it’s a pretty immediate red flag.

But the way they treat others is also a big indication of how they’ll be in a relationship. A green flag is when someone is respectful to everyone you encounter - from meeting your friends to how they speak to waiters in restaurants.

4. They Aren’t Afraid to Disagree with You 

It can feel good to get your way - but if your partner never disagrees with you over anything, this can be an indication that there will be issues with communication in the future.

If your partner is willing to disagree with you, state their opinion, and find a way to a literal agreement, this is a great green flag.

5. They Validate Your Emotions 

If you’ve had a tough day at work, they empathize with you instead of saying you’re being dramatic.

If you tell them you’re uncomfortable with something, they listen to what you need instead of telling you you’re being sensitive.

When your partner actively listens to you and validates your feelings, this is a huge green flag.

Next Steps for Healthy Relationships

After reading this article, you know five relationship green flags to look out for.

Here at KMA Therapy, we know that sometimes an outside perspective can be just what you need to get the relationship you deserve. Our caring relationship therapists are here to help you thrive in your partnerships.

Book an appointment today or reach out to our team with any questions.

If you’re not yet ready to book an appointment, check out these articles to keep learning:

Author |
Emily Weatherhead (Guest Author)
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KMA Therapy

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