Family Therapy in Toronto
The way we grow up largely sets the foundation for our choices, decisions, and reactions in our lives. Our early family experiences influence the way we choose to live, raise new families, and participate in current relationships.
Sometimes issues arise in our families that we don’t know how to navigate or even identify. In cases like these, family therapy can be a useful tool to have on your belt.
What is Family Therapy?
Family therapy focuses specifically on relationships within the family unit. Although it can incorporate individual sessions, family therapy is usually done in a group setting with multiple members present to work through familial issues.
Family therapy can be done between parents and their children, siblings, or other extended family members. It can be helpful when dealing with things like:
- The death of a family member
- Divorce or separation
- Family conflict
This type of therapy may be the primary focus of treatment, or it could be used to supplement individual therapy.

What Does a Family Therapy Session Look like?
Family therapy sessions can vary depending on the type of issues you would like to address, the therapist, and the approach taken. You can expect your therapist to request you and your family members to attend all together.
In family therapy, the family is seen as a "whole" system, rather than just as the sum of its individual members. There is focus on interactions, communication, and dynamics. As with individual and group therapy, family therapy is used to approach a wide variety of therapeutic goals.
Rather than viewing problems as owned and caused by a particular family member, family therapy helps to identify the ways that relationship and individual problems are caused and maintained by the family dynamics. Family therapy does not look to judge or blame one or multiple family members; the goal is to ease communication and find solutions that work for everyone.
For example, if a child is having academic and social problems, the focus will be on identifying the family patterns that have contributed to the child acting out, rather than on working intra-psychically with the child alone.
How Does Family Therapy Work at KMA Therapy?
At KMA Therapy, you will start off with an introductory session that looks to:
- Understand your individual and familial needs
- Inform you of recommended treatment options
- Set you up with the therapist that is best suited to you and your family
Introductory sessions are typically 50 minutes and cost $190.
After this, you and your family therapist will meet for 50 or 80 minute sessions to discuss the best course of action regarding how often you should all meet, and what your journey will look like.
This way you and your family can agree about the expectations set out for you by your therapist. It is common to meet at least once a week, but this can vary. From there, you and your family are on your new journey!

Get Started With Family Therapy Today
If you feel like you’re family needs to attend but aren’t quite getting through to them, read these articles for some extra support:
KMA is open daily from 10am-9pm in most of our locations. You can find us at:
Give us a call if you have any questions at 416-487-6288.