Therapy for Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) in Toronto
OCD is a common mental health condition affecting approximately 1 out of every 100 people. Through therapy, symptoms of OCD can be managed, and may even be overcome.
What is Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD)?
Someone suffering from OCD gets caught in a cycle of obsessions (intrusive thoughts or images that cause unwanted distress), and compulsions (actions that relieve the anxiety of the intrusive thoughts).
Obsessions are unpleasant images, thoughts, fears, or urges that intrusively enter into your mind. Common obsessions can include:
- Fears about contamination with germs, dirt, viruses etc.
- Worrying about water being left on, doors being unlocked, causing harm to someone etc.
- Intrusive thoughts or images of hurting another person, swearing, sex, or the fear of behaving badly or making a mistake
Compulsions are actions that are usually a reaction to an obsessive thought. A compulsion is a way of trying to deal with the distress or anxiety caused by the obsession.
Compulsions can include:
- Repeated cleaning
- Praying
- Counting
- Touching
- Washing
- Saying words silently
- Arranging and organising
Can therapy help my OCD?
Yes, therapy and counselling can help you achieve lasting change in dealing with OCD.
Obsessive-compulsive disorder is an anxiety disorder, and it’s typically rooted in stress and worry that can fluctuate based on your internal or external environment at any given time.
With treatment, OCD symptoms can become very manageable and your quality of life can be greatly improved. Many clients with OCD return to life free from checking, washing, and routines after therapy, which can feel liberating and increase your quality of life.
What is the best treatment for OCD?
The best treatments for OCD are both CBT and exposure therapy - usually done in tandem.
Exposure therapy (also called “exposure and response prevention and ERP”) is a type of Cognitive-Behavioural Therapy that focuses on gradually increasing exposure and comfort to a life without compulsions.
Cognitive-Behavioural therapy is an action-based form of therapy that helps you gain control over your feelings and actions by examining the thoughts you have on a daily basis.
Therapists for OCD are usually highly trained in both CBT and ERP therapies - these enable you to gain a thorough understanding of not only tactical strategies that allow you to live a more comfortable and obsession-free life, but WHY the obsession and compulsions are happening in the first place. Here is an article on the pros and cons of CBT therapy.
This type of therapy is designed to equip you with the strategies you need and empower you so you won’t need therapy forever.
How can I find an OCD therapist in Toronto?
The best way to find an OCD therapist in Toronto is to search within your neighbourhood “OCD therapist” or “CBT therapist for OCD” or “ERP therapist for OCD.” See which practices and therapists come up, and choose a few clinics or practices you think you could connect with.
The most important thing to remember when choosing a therapist is that they should understand you - you should feel comfortable discussing your issues with them, and you should know they are an expert in their field.
We at KMA Therapy are experts in the field of OCD and have many therapists who provide treatment programs in ERP and CBT.
Can I Do OCD Counselling Online?
Absolutely! OCD counselling can be done online or in person - or a hybrid of both. Check in with yourself on which style of learning works best for you. Do you enjoy online learning or does in person suit you better?
At KMA we offer both online and in-person counselling for OCD, and many of our clients choose a hybrid of both.

How Does OCD Therapy at Work at KMA?
OCD Therapy here at KMA Therapy begins with a 50-minute introductory session with one of our intake counsellors.
In these fifty minutes, we will determine the severity of the problem and the treatment approach needed.
The fee for your introductory session is $190 and is usually covered by workplace benefits packages. To learn more about whether this could be the right choice for you, read Therapy Introductory Session vs Free Consultation: Which is Right for Me?
Topics covered in your introductory session will include:
- When did the obsessive thoughts or compulsions begin?
- What are your unique symptoms in suffering from obsessive-compulsive tendencies?
- What are your current coping mechanisms for severe stress?
- What life situations are contributing to the severity of your thoughts?
We’re also asking questions to get a better sense of your personality.
Here at KMA, we believe it’s very important that we get to know you so that your counsellor is the ‘right fit’. The consultation is also a wonderful time to address any questions you may have.
Finally, we will provide you with a customized ‘plan of action’ – this includes the recommended OCD therapist who is best equipped to suit your needs, a recommended duration of therapy (if applicable), and a recommendation for any additional testing or psychological services we feel would be helpful.
If you think you might have OCD but are not sure, our supervising Psychologist can provide the necessary testing in an additional appointment after the consultation to determine if you indeed suffer from OCD, and a formal diagnosis can be communicated if you need.
Self-help reading on OCD management and counselling
- Brain Lock: Jeffrey M. Schwartz
- The Imp of the Mind: Lee Baer
- Stop Obsessing!: Edna Foa and Reid Wilson
- A Return to Innocence: Jeffrey M. Schwartz
- Needing to Know For SURE: Martin Self
Get started with OCD therapy in Toronto today
Getting Help for OCD at KMA is as easy as completing our online registration form. Our care coordinator will reach out to you with more information about your introductory appointment.
We have five locations throughout Toronto, as well as online therapy options. KMA Therapists Ari Choudhury, MA, RP(Q), and Nkem Cookey, MA, RP (Q) work with clients with OCD. Learn about working with Ari and Nkem on our Teams page.
To learn more about therapy for obsessive compulsive disorder, give us a call at 416-487-6288. We are open Monday through Sunday from 10am-9pm.
If you think someone you care about may be experiencing OCD, read: How to Convince Someone to Go to Therapy
OCD often coincides with other mental health issues. We want to ensure that you receive the kind of care you need.
Let us help you get back the freedom you deserve.