Tips to Lift Depression - Toronto Psychology Blog

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December 2, 2011

Tips to Lift Depression - Toronto Psychology Blog

As the winter season creeps upon us, the days get shorter, the sky gets darker, and we as a society start to hibernate.

In response to these colder climates and lack of sunlight, many of us start to feel different. We can feel depressed, lethargic, unmotivated, and not our usual perky selves.

Seasonal Affective Disorder, also called SAD, is a seasonal mood disorder that affects a surprising number of people – it can actually affect our relationships, sex drives, appetites, and sleeping habits. While SAD is a genuine diagnosable mood disorder and is quite serious, many of us have SAD-like symptoms.

Many of us can simply feel down and have the winter-blues. We might not get out of the house as much, and may call in sick for work more times than usual.

Here are some ways to stay cheerful during the depths of winter:

1) Plan in advance.

It might sound funny, but planning happy times in your life is one of the keys to success in combating sad feelings. When you have a girls’ night out or an awesome karaoke night to look forward to, your spirits are generally uplifted, making you feel happier.

In addition, planning in advance makes you more likely to get out – as opposed to making a last-minute decision to stay in because you haven’t committed.

2) Develop a repertoire of wintertime activities that you love.

Whether skiing, going to the spa, watching the kids play hockey over a cup of hot tea, or ice skating, there are so many enjoyable things to do during the winter months. List yours and keep them handy for when a sad mood strikes.

3) Take a vacation.

A low mood usually occurs from lack of sunlight and vitamin D. If you have the opportunity to visit a warm and sunny place for a week during the winter months, it can only help. Not only will you raise your serotonin levels, you’ll have the added benefit of de-stressing from the everyday.

Have fun!

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