5 Tips to Feel Better About Being Single
Your Instagram feed has started bombarding you with pictures of engagement rings. Your Netflix recommendations are an unending list of brand-new dating shows.
Even if you think you’re happily single, the world constantly shows you why you shouldn’t be.
Here at KMA Therapy, we’re here to help you feel satisfied with your life, regardless of your relationship status. For over 14 years, we’ve been helping our clients and community learn how to be happy single so they can choose partners out of love rather than necessity.
After reading this article, you’ll know five new ways to feel better about being single.
How to Deal with Being Single in a Couples World
When you get to a certain age (looking at you, mid-twenties) it can feel like your entire world starts to revolve around being part of a couple.
Your weekends begin to fill up with weddings. Fun nights out become double dates. You still hear all of your best friend’s latest work drama - but their partner hears it first.
With all of these changes, it’s no wonder that many of us begin to feel lonely - it’s easier to feel better about being single when all your friends are single, too.
5 Ways to Feel Better About Being Single
There’s a lot of annoying advice out there about “finding someone when you’re not looking” and “learning to love yourself first.”
But it’s okay to want love, and loving yourself doesn’t erase the desire for a partner.
So here are five realistic ways to feel better about being single that you’ll actually want to try.

1. Stop Comparing Yourself to Others
Photodumps full of people in love, TikTok trends to love songs, and curated wedding photos can be enough to make you sick.
But when you’re really honest with yourself, you can start to feel a little bit jealous. Why don’t you have someone to do a silly dance with on the internet?
It’s easy to fall into the comparison trap, especially when you begin to reach milestones you set for yourself.
You thought you’d be engaged by 30 - but years later, you’re still looking for someone who can commit for longer than it takes the yogurt in your fridge to go bad. Meanwhile, your best friend is happily married with a kid on the way.
In the end, comparing yourself to others won’t do anything except make you feel worse about yourself. What you see online isn’t the same as reality - and no relationship is perfect behind closed doors.
2. Redefine Your Idea of Love
The kind of grand, romantic love we see in the movies is not the only kind of love there is.
Consider these questions about platonic love:
- Who in your life makes you feel the safest?
- How do you show your love to your friends?
- How do you like others to show love to you?
While there’s nothing wrong with wanting romantic love, focusing on the other types of love in your life can make it feel a lot easier to be single - and help you feel gratitude for the amazing relationships you do have.
3. Focus on the Good Stuff
Being single isn’t something you just have to deal with - it can be an enriching, valuable part of your life.

Benefits of being single include:
- More availability to spend time with friends and family
- Learning to enjoy your own company
- More flexibility in your decisions
- Time to get to know yourself
- Heightened self-confidence
4. Try Exciting New Things
Being in a relationship can feel comfortable - you can easily get into a routine with your partner, and find few reasons to stray from it.
Being single allows you the freedom to explore what you want to do.
Do you want to start a new hobby? Go for it!
Ready to see that new movie on a Tuesday night? Get that cheaper ticket!
Take advantage of all the time you have to yourself to do something for yourself.
5. Rediscover Yourself
What was your favourite thing to do as a little kid? What did you use to have the most fun doing?
We change and evolve so much during our lives - but sometimes we can get distracted by a romantic partner and forget to check in with ourselves.
Being single gives you the time to learn more about yourself and connect with yourself more deeply.
Give yourself the freedom to try new things and see what this version of you is the most passionate about!
Is it Wrong To Feel Like You Need a Romantic Relationship?
At the end of the day, human beings are hard-wired for connection - so no, it’s not wrong to feel like you need a romantic relationship.
Still, learning how to be happy while you’re single is a great way to set yourself up for success when you do get into a relationship. You’ll know you have a strong foundation within yourself, and you can value your romantic partner as a wonderful addition to your world, rather than the centre of it.
Next Steps for Feeling Better
After reading this article, you know five ways to feel better about being single.
Here at KMA Therapy, we know you want your life to feel fulfilling - regardless of whether you’re in a relationship or not. For over 14 years, we’ve helped our clients establish and achieve their goals through therapy.
Book an appointment today or connect with our team if you have any questions. We can’t wait to hear from you!
If you’re not yet ready for an appointment, read these articles to keep learning: