50 Free Journal Prompts for Therapy
Your therapist has asked you to start journaling.
Which is great - you know it’ll be helpful, and there are a lot of benefits to journaling.
The only problem is you have no idea what to write about.
Here at KMA Therapy, we’ve been helping our clients take advantage of all the tools available to them for over 14 years. We’re here to equip you with what you need to thrive in therapy.
After reading this article, you’ll have a ton of new ideas to journal about - say goodbye to writer’s block.
50 Therapy Journal Prompts
Free-writing about anything that comes to mind (even the fact that you have no idea what to write about) can be great.
But sometimes, a little guidance can be helpful.
Here are 100 journal prompts, divided into ten clear categories, to help you get started.
We’ve selected journal prompts for anxiety, depression, self-esteem, workplace stress, and sense of purpose - these offer a broad basis of personal topics to cover.
Explore our list of journal prompts for relationships to explore topics related to romantic, family, and personal relationships.
Journal Prompts for Anxiety
- Where do you often feel anxiety in your body? What can you do to help move it out?
- What is one hobby that always makes you feel more relaxed? How can you incorporate it into your daily routine?
- Do you ever find yourself start scrolling social media when you feel anxious? Does this make you feel better or worse?
- Write a letter to someone who listens when you’re feeling anxious, and thank them for their support. (You don’t have to send it!)
- Write down three positive affirmations that make you feel confident. Put them in a place that you see often, and repeat them to yourself whenever you’re feeling anxious.
- What specific situations are triggers for your anxiety? How do you usually react?
- Describe a time when you were feeling really anxious, but managed to lower your anxiety. What did you do? Why do you think it worked?
- Write a list of five things that always make you feel happy and calm. How can you bring more of these into your daily life?
- Write a letter to your anxiety and express your feelings toward it. For example, you might be grateful for the ways it keeps you safe, but ready to let some of the anxious feelings go.
- Think about a situation that caused you a lot of anxiety. How did you survive that situation and make it to where you are today?
Journal Prompts for Depression
- In the morning, write down one small goal you have for the day. At the end of the night, reflect on whether you were able to complete it (without judgement.)
- If you had trouble completing that goal, what would make it easier tomorrow?
- Describe a moment when you felt happy. What did you enjoy about that moment, and how can you bring elements of that moment into your daily life?
- Write three things you like about yourself.
- Write a letter to your future self. You can express your wishes about where they are now, or ask them for advice about your current situation.
- What’s something you used to enjoy when you were younger? What did you like about it?
- What’s one strength that you have? How has it helped you in the past?
- Do you ever have trouble sleeping? Explore the impact that sleep has on you, and reflect on whether you’d like to make changes to your sleep routine.
- What is one thing that you can accomplish this week to make you feel successful? What are three steps you can take to achieve it?
- What’s one way you enjoy moving your body? Write about how it makes you feel.

Journal Prompts about Self-Esteem
- What is a compliment you received recently? How did it make you feel?
- What are three areas of your life where you want to feel more confident? List one goal in each area, and how you want to achieve it.
- Write a letter to someone who you think has great self-esteem (you don’t have to send it.) What qualities of theirs do you admire?
- Do you think there’s a connection between self-compassion and self-esteem? How do you usually talk to yourself when you make a mistake?
- What’s one story you tell yourself that you’d like to change? What would you rather believe instead?
- List three accomplishments that you’re proud of. What strengths and skills did you use to achieve them?
- What’s a time when you doubted yourself, but eventually were successful?
- Write a letter to yourself from the perspective of someone who loves you (this can be someone you know or someone you don’t, like a future partner.) What would you like them to say?
- Do you have a habit of saying something negative about yourself? Identify the phrase you use most often, and write out what you’d like to say about yourself instead.
- What are ten things you think are great about yourself?
Journal Prompts about Workplace Stress
- Think about an aspect of your job that stresses you out. Is there something you can do to make it more enjoyable?
- Do you think you have a healthy work-life balance? Why or why not?
- What can you do to draw stronger boundaries between your work-time and your personal time?
- Think about a time you overcame a challenging situation at work. What skills did you use to succeed?
- Even if you feel like your job is horrible, what’s one positive aspect about it?
- Do you think your current job aligns with your long-term goals?
- Who is a role model in your field that you look up to? What qualities do you admire about them?
- Does the work you do align with your core values and beliefs? Why or why not?
- What is one skill that you’d like to build through your career?
- Are you happy in your current job? If not, what would you like from a future job to feel happier?
Journal Prompts for Sense of Purpose
- Think of someone who you admire in life. What are they working toward in life? Do you have similar goals?
- Think of a social issue that you feel really passionate about. What can you do to make an impact in this area?
- When you think of living a meaningful life, what does it mean to you? Do you feel like you’re living a meaningful life right now?
- Think of one moment where someone did something small for you, but it had a large impact on you. How did it make you feel?
- What is a skill you possess that you’re really proud of? Why is it special to you?
- What’s an activity that you love so much, it makes you lose sense of time?
- List three values that are important to you. How do they influence your decisions?
- Write about a time where you felt like you really made a difference to someone else. How did it make you feel?
- What brings you energy every day?
- What is something that comes really easily to you? Do you feel like it’s something you’re meant to do?
Next Steps for Self-Reflection
After reading this article, you’re ready to sit down and reflect on a range of different topics.
Here at KMA Therapy, we’re here to listen and reflect alongside you as your partner on your therapy journey.
Register online to take the first step today or read our Therapy 101 Guide to learn more.
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