How Glimmers Can Boost Your Mental Health

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October 3, 2023

How Glimmers Can Boost Your Mental Health

If you’ve been on TikTok lately, you’ve probably seen videos about glimmers.

Someone will create an aesthetic video with clips of sunny strolls, early morning cups of coffee, and a calming voice over.

But what are “glimmers” - and are they actually good for your mental health?

Here at KMA Therapy, we know there are new mental health terms popping up every day, and it can be exhausting to keep up with them all. We’re here to help you understand new terms and apply them to your own life.

After reading this article, you’ll know what glimmers are, how they differ from triggers, and three exercises to notice the glimmers in your own life.

What are Mental Health Glimmers?

Mental health glimmers are the opposite of triggers - they are small moments throughout your day that spark feelings of comfort, joy, and gratitude.

Coined by social worker Deb Dana, a glimmer is a moment when your body is in a “place of connection or regulation, which cues your nervous system to feel safe or calm.”

what are glimmers

Essentially, learning to look for glimmers can help you to relax and reduce emotional distress.

Glimmer examples include:

  • Snuggling with a pet
  • Laughing with your friends
  • Feeling warm sun on your skin
  • Spending time observing nature
  • Hearing a song you love come on the radio
  • Watching a great episode of a show you enjoy

Glimmers versus Triggers

Most people are familiar with triggers - and unfortunately, we’re exposed to them more frequently than we’d like.

Triggers are things including smells, sounds, and images, that incite a negative response and remind you of past traumatic experiences.

glimmers and triggers

Focusing on glimmers isn’t some magical solution to fix traumas or erase triggers - but glimmers can be a reminder of the good things in your life and help you to pay more attention to the things you’d prefer to focus on.

3 Exercises to Help You Notice Glimmers

If you’re ready to start noticing the glimmers in your life, try these three simple exercises to get started.

1. Start a Glimmer Photography Challenge

Challenge yourself to take one picture a day that captures a glimmer.

Whether you snap a picture of a perfectly crumbly cookie or capture a moment when your pet looks especially cute, be intentional about searching for glimmers.

Set a reminder in your phone every evening to remind you to take your picture if you haven’t already.

You don’t have to share these photos - it’s valuable enough to take them just for you - but you can also share them to your Instagram story for some extra accountability.

2. Write a Daily Glimmer Journal

If you’re familiar with gratitude journaling, this exercise will be second nature to you.

Each night before you go to sleep, list five glimmer moments you experienced that day.

To take it a step further, you can write a quick explanation of how each glimmer made you feel and what you enjoyed most about it.

3. Take Mindful Glimmer Walks

Try to make time each day to go on a walk - this can even be a short walk around your neighbourhood.

On your daily walks, be mindful of your surroundings as you actively look for glimmers.

Is the sun shining warmly on your skin?

Are there birds singing around you?

Connect to the present moment as you take note of the glimmers all around you.

Next Steps for Becoming More Mindful

After reading this article, you know how glimmers can boost your mental health and brighten up your daily life.

Here at KMA Therapy, we’re passionate about helping you live the most fulfilling life possible.

For over 14 years, we’ve helped our clients and community learn how to boost their mental health and thrive in their lives and relationships.

Fill out our Registration Form to learn more about the progress we can make together.

Check out these resources to keep learning:

Author |
Emily Weatherhead (Guest Author)
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KMA Therapy

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