How the 7 Principals of the Gottam Method Can Save Your Marriage! 

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August 8, 2024

How the 7 Principals of the Gottam Method Can Save Your Marriage! 

Does your relationship feel like it is hanging by a thread? It feels like every conversation becomes an argument, and the distance between you and your partner is growing each day.

This is where the Gottman Method can make all the difference—a proven, research-based approach to saving and strengthening marriages. Its seven principles offer a clear and practical roadmap to rekindling love, improving communication, and building a deeper connection

At KMA Therapy, we're committed to helping you build a stronger, more resilient relationship. We've put together this guide to help you understand and apply the seven principles of the Gottman Method, providing practical insights to improve your marriage. 

What Is The Gottman Method?

The Gottman Method is rooted in decades of research by John Gottman, who has conducted hundreds of empirical studies with over 3,000 couples over 40 years. Alongside his colleague Robert Levenson, Gottman performed longitudinal studies that revealed the critical role of couple interactions in determining whether marriages succeed or end in divorce.

Married couples' interactions tend to remain stable over time, and about 69% of problems between partners are never resolved due to inherent personality differences.

Every couple argues and experiences negative interactions, but Gottman found that the key to staying together is how couples navigate conflict and express emotions. Successful couples maintain a ratio of at least five positive interactions for every negative one during disputes. In contrast, couples who broke up often exhibited high levels of what Gottman calls the "Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse":

  • Criticism
  • Defensiveness
  • Contempt
  • Stonewalling (withdrawing from interaction)

How the Gottman Method Can Transform Your Relationship?

Dr. John Gottman's extensive research reveals that while every relationship is unique, marital conflicts generally fall into two categories: resolvable and perpetual. With most conflicts perpetual, the Gottman Method is designed to help couples effectively navigate and manage these enduring issues.

Here’s how the Gottman Method can help:

  • Addresses Perpetual Conflicts: Focuses on resolving ongoing and deeply ingrained conflicts in the relationship.

  • Tackles a Range of Issues: Helps with frequent arguments, emotional distance, infidelity, and other challenges that often stem from perpetual conflicts.

  • Enhances Relationship Understanding: Benefits couples who seek to improve their understanding of their relationship, regardless of the current level of conflict.

  • Inclusive and Effective: Suitable for couples at any stage and effective for all backgrounds, including same-sex couples and diverse cultural identities.

Are you ready to transform your relationship and find lasting solutions to your conflicts? At KMA Therapy, we proudly offer Gottman Method therapy to support couples in building stronger, more fulfilling connections. Our experienced therapists are here to guide you through the process with empathy and skill. 

What are the Three Main Components of Gottman Method Therapy?

Gottman Method Therapy focuses on improving three essential aspects of a relationship:

  • Friendship
  • Conflict Management
  • Shared Goals Creation

In therapy, couples work on transforming their interactions from negative to positive, thereby deepening their emotional connection.

Gottman Method therapists not only help couples enhance their relationship skills but also educate them about healthy relationship dynamics based on extensive research. This approach provides couples with valuable insights and tools to sustain their relationship.

What Can You Expect From a Gottman Method Couples Therapy?

Couples entering Gottman Method Couples Therapy begins with a thorough assessment, which then shapes the therapeutic framework and interventions.


  • Therapist meets with both partners to introduce the therapy process, set expectations, and discuss the goals for therapy.
  • Couple provides a detailed relationship history, including significant events, challenges, and strengths.
  • Following the conjoint session, the therapist interviews each partner to gain insights into their perspectives, concerns, and experiences within the relationship.
  • These interviews are confidential, allowing each partner to speak openly about their feelings and issues without the other partner's presence.
  • Both partners complete a series of standardised questionnaires to evaluate various aspects of their relationship, including communication patterns, conflict resolution skills, emotional connection, and overall satisfaction.
  • After analysing the questionnaires and interview data, the therapist provides detailed feedback to the couple, highlighting the strengths of their relationship and identifying specific areas for improvement.

Therapeutic Framework

  • The couple and therapist collaboratively decide on the frequency and duration of the sessions, ensuring that the schedule aligns with the couple’s availability and therapeutic needs.
  • Sessions can be scheduled weekly, bi-weekly, or at intervals that suit the couple’s needs and progress.
  • Typical sessions last 60 to 90 minutes, but this can be adjusted based on the complexity of the issues being addressed.
  • Early sessions focus on establishing short-term goals to address immediate issues and set the foundation for deeper work.
  • The couple and therapist work together to set long-term goals to create lasting change and achieve the couple’s vision for their relationship.
  • Therapist conducts regular check-ins to monitor progress, reassess goals, and adjust the therapeutic approach as needed.
  • Couples are often given homework and practical exercises to practice new skills and strategies outside sessions.

Therapeutic Interventions

  • Interventions target strengthening the relationship in friendship, conflict management, and shared meaning.
  • Couples learn to replace negative conflict patterns with positive interactions and repair past hurts.
  • Techniques to increase closeness and intimacy enhance friendship and emotional connection.
  • Relapse prevention strategies are also addressed to maintain progress.

Are you searching for a therapy centre in Toronto specialising in Gottman Method Couples Therapy? With so many options available, it can be challenging to choose the right one. At KMA Therapy, we offer a comprehensive and personalised approach to help couples strengthen their relationships. We provide tailored feedback and work with you to establish short-term and long-term goals to improve conflict management and build a deeper emotional bond. Choose KMA Therapy for expert guidance and a supportive environment as you work towards a more fulfilling relationship.

7 Principals of the Gottam Method Can Save Your Marriage! 

1. Deepen Your Love Maps

Gottman emphasises that emotionally intelligent couples thoroughly understand each other's love maps. This means knowing superficial details and deeper aspects of your partner’s world.

Enhancing your love map involves:

  • Understanding Key Preferences: Learn about your partner’s top three favourite songs, books, or movies and why these hold significance for them. For instance, knowing their favourite song might reveal important memories or emotions attached to it.

  • Exploring Life Events: Be aware of pivotal moments in their past, such as family traditions, significant achievements, or past hardships. This helps you understand how these experiences shape your views and reactions.

  • Recognising Emotional Needs: Understand what makes them feel loved and secure. For example, if their love language is acts of service, knowing this can guide you in showing affection in ways that resonate with them.

By deepening your knowledge of these aspects, you build a richer, more empathetic connection that helps you respond to their needs more effectively.

2. Encourage Affection and Admiration

Affection and admiration are foundational to a respectful and loving relationship. They reflect a deep-seated appreciation for each other and a belief in each other’s worth.

To cultivate these qualities:

  • Reflect on Positive Memories: Revisit and discuss fond memories from your early days together. For example, recalling how you first met and the qualities that attracted you to each other can reinforce positive feelings.

  • Show Regular Appreciation: Make it a habit to express gratitude for everyday acts of kindness and support. A simple “thank you” or a note of appreciation can go a long way in reinforcing your partner’s value.

  • Celebrate Achievements Together: Recognize and celebrate each other’s successes, both big and small. This could be anything from a professional achievement to a personal milestone, showing that you are invested in each other’s growth.

Building a culture of appreciation helps to maintain a positive atmosphere and strengthens your emotional bond.

3. Turn Toward Each Other

Turning toward each other means responding positively to your partner’s bids for attention, affection, and support. This practice helps in building a strong foundation of trust and intimacy.

To effectively turn toward each other:

  • Acknowledge Bids for Attention: Respond with interest and empathy when your partner shares something personal or seeks your attention. For example, if they say they had a rough day, actively listen and offer support rather than brushing it off.

  • Be Present and Engaged: Make time for meaningful conversations and activities. Even small gestures like putting away your phone during a conversation can show that you value their company.

  • Offer Emotional Support: Provide comfort and reassurance during tough times. Giving a hug, offering encouragement, or simply being a sounding board can make a significant difference.

4. Allow Your Partner to Influence You

Healthy relationships involve a balanced approach to decision-making and respect for each other’s opinions. Allowing your partner to influence you promotes cooperation and equality.

To encourage this:

  • Involve Your Partner in Decisions: Engage your partner in discussions about important decisions, whether they are financial, family-related, or personal. For example, if you’re considering a major purchase, consult with them and consider their perspective.

  • Communicate Respectfully: Share your viewpoints while respecting your partner’s opinions. Use phrases like “I see your point” or “Let’s discuss this further” to show respect for their input.

  • Resolve Disagreements Constructively: Approach conflicts to understand each other’s views and find common ground. This could involve negotiating compromises or seeking solutions that benefit both partners.

5. Address Solvable Problems

Solvable problems are issues that can be resolved through straightforward solutions. Effectively managing these problems is essential for maintaining a harmonious relationship.

To address solvable problems:

  • Use a Soft Start-Up: Approach issues calmly and respectfully to avoid escalating tensions. For example, begin a discussion with “I feel concerned about…” rather than “You always…”.

  • Implement Repair Attempts: Use strategies to de-escalate conflicts, such as humour, affection, or an apology. For instance, a light-hearted comment or a quick hug can help diffuse tension during a disagreement.

  • Take Breaks When Needed: If emotions run high, take a 20-minute break to calm down before resuming the discussion. This helps in approaching the problem with a clearer mind.

  • Seek Compromise: Look for solutions that both partners can agree on. Compromise might involve negotiating terms or finding a middle ground on contentious issues.

  • Accept Imperfections: Recognize and accept each other’s flaws. Acknowledging that neither partner is perfect helps approach conflicts with a more forgiving attitude.

By effectively addressing solvable problems, you can enhance problem-solving skills and maintain a positive relationship dynamic.

6. Resolve Gridlock

Gridlock occurs when persistent disagreements prevent productive conversations. It often stems from deeper unmet needs or dreams.

To overcome gridlock:

  • Identify Underlying Issues: Explore the root causes of recurring conflicts. For example, if disagreements about finances persist, it might be related to differing dreams about financial security or lifestyle.

  • Communicate Calmly: Discuss issues focusing on understanding each other’s perspectives. Use open-ended questions to explore your partner’s feelings and needs.

  • Assess Flexibility: Determine which aspects of the conflict are negotiable and non-negotiable. This helps in focusing on areas where compromise is possible.

  • End on a Positive Note: Conclude discussions with appreciation and acknowledge each other’s efforts. Expressing thanks for your partner’s willingness to engage can help maintain goodwill.

7. Create Shared Meaning

Creating shared meaning involves aligning your goals, roles, and rituals to foster a sense of purpose and fulfilment.

To build shared meaning:

  • Define Shared Goals: Identify and pursue common objectives, such as planning for the future or setting family goals. This could involve joint projects or shared aspirations.

  • Establish Rituals and Traditions: Create and maintain meaningful traditions or routines, such as celebrating anniversaries or having regular date nights.

  • Celebrate Together: Acknowledge and celebrate milestones, achievements, and special occasions. This can include personal celebrations, promotions, or shared events, like anniversaries.

Revive Your Relationship with Gottam’s Proven Principles!

The Gottman Method offers a powerful framework for couples seeking to improve their relationship and navigate conflicts effectively. With its foundation in extensive research and practical applications, this approach provides valuable tools for managing perpetual and solvable conflicts. By focusing on enhancing friendship, improving conflict management, and creating shared meaning, couples can transform their interactions and deepen their emotional connection. 

Are you ready to strengthen your relationship and overcome persistent challenges? At KMA Therapy, we specialise in the Gottman Method to help couples like you build a deeper connection and easily navigate conflicts. Our expert therapists use research-backed strategies to address issues, tailoring each session to your needs. Experience personalised support and transformative results with our compassionate approach. Contact us today and take the first step towards a more fulfilling and resilient partnership.

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Furqan Javed
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