Five Ways to Beat the Holiday Blues

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Published Date|
December 29, 2022

Five Ways to Beat the Holiday Blues


It’s the most wonderful time of the year – but you don’t feel wonderful.


There can be a lot of pressure over the holiday season, from buying gifts to travelling to hosting family members in your home.


The demands of the holidays can be overwhelming enough. When you don’t feel up to facing them, it can be even more challenging to make it through the season.


Here at KMA, we want you to know that you’re not alone in feeling this way. For over 14 years, we’ve supported our clients to feel their best. We’re here to teach you how to set yourself up for success this holiday season.


By the end of this article, you’ll know what the holiday blues are, how to recognize them, and five ways to beat them. 

What are the Holiday Blues?


The holiday blues are the feelings of stress, anxiety, sadness, or loss experienced during the holidays.


Maybe you’ve recently lost a loved one, and this is your first holiday without them. You may be overwhelmed with all the tasks you must complete during the holiday season.


No matter where these feelings come from, they can be hard to cope with – especially if you feel added pressure to be “cheerful” during this time of the year.


What are the signs of the Holiday Blues?


The signs of the holiday blues are:


  • Overwhelming stress
  • Feelings of loss or sadness
  • Feelings of tiredness and fatigue
  • Experiencing loneliness or isolation
  • Feeling grief or loss that is more intense than usual


While these feelings can be hard to manage, you’re not alone in feeling them.


While it’s normal to feel this way, you may also want to feel better. Here are five ways to start feeling better.


5 Tips to Beat the Holiday Blues

1. Set a firm budget


Set a firm budget and stick to it. There can be pressures around the holidays to spend a lot of money, which can cause financial strain in addition to stress.


Avoid this by setting a clear and realistic budget – and feel guilty saying no to things outside your budget.


2. Make a to-do list – and include time to relax


Create an organized list of what you have to do and when you have to do it.


Having a schedule can help ease your anxiety about the holidays.


Don’t forget to build in some to rest and relax.

3. Set your body up for success


Supporting your physical health supports your mental health.


Set your body up for success by:


  • Getting enough sleep
  • Eating nutritious foods (alongside your favourite holiday treats!)
  • Getting some exercise, whether you want to go on a quick walk or check out a fun workout video online


4. Set realistic expectations


Even the best-laid plans can fall apart sometimes.


It’s okay if things don’t go according to plan.


Remember the importance of spending time with family and friends. The holidays are about spending time with loved ones.


5. Create new traditions


The holidays can be particularly difficult if you’ve lost a loved one recently.


It may be your first holiday without someone you loved, and you may have to take over the traditional roles they previously held.


It’s okay if your feelings of grief are extra strong during the holidays.


It may help to create a new tradition to celebrate with your loved ones – while things may look different than they did before, there can also be beauty in this new version of the holidays.


Next Steps for Managing the Holiday Blues


After reading this article, you understand the holiday blues and how to tackle them.


Here at KMA, we’re here to help. Our experienced team of therapists has been helping our community navigate life's difficult moments for over 14 years.


If you need additional support to combat the holiday blues, connect with one of our caring therapists today.


Register online to book an introductory appointment, or contact our team for more information.


If you’re not yet ready to book an appointment, read these articles to keep learning:


Author |
Emily Weatherhead (Guest Author)
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