How to Read the Crush-O-Meter: 15 Ways to Tell if Your Crush Likes You Back!

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August 12, 2024

How to Read the Crush-O-Meter: 15 Ways to Tell if Your Crush Likes You Back!

Have you ever had a huge crush on someone and wondered if they liked you back?

You get butterflies in your stomach, daydream about them, and feel super happy when you see them around. Often times,  along with that excitement comes a lot of uncertainty and doubt.

The Crush-O-Meter is a fun tool to gauge if your crush likes you back by looking at their behavior and interactions. At KMA Therapy know how thrilling (and nerve-wracking) it can be to have a crush. Knowing how to interpret the subtle signs can give you a sense of direction and make the experience more enjoyable. Here are 15 tangible ways to tell if your crush likes you back.

15 Ways to Tell if Your Crush Likes You Back

#1 The Smile Test: Are Their Smiles Special?

One of the most telling signs is their smile. Does your crush smile more when you're around? Are their smiles directed specifically at you, and do they seem more genuine and warm compared to the smiles they give others? A special smile can indicate that you hold a special place in their heart.

When someone likes you, their smile often comes from a place of genuine joy. It's not just a polite smile but one that lights up their entire face. Pay attention to whether their eyes crinkle at the corners, a sign of a true, heartfelt smile. If you notice that they can't help but smile when they see you or hear your name, it's a strong indicator of their affection.

#2 Text Message Decoder: Analyzing Their Texts for Clues

Text messages can reveal a lot about someone's feelings. Notice the frequency, tone, and content of their texts. Do they initiate conversations, respond quickly, and send thoughtful, lengthy messages? Are there plenty of emojis and playful banter? If their texts are more engaging and frequent than those they send to others, it could be a sign they're interested in you.

Look for signs such as double texts (when they text you again if you haven't replied), detailed responses, and questions that keep the conversation going. Emojis can also be telling hearts, winks, and smiley faces often indicating a playful or affectionate tone. If they text you "good morning" or "good night," it shows you're the first and last thing on their mind every day!

#3 Body Language Signals: From Eye Contact to Mirroring

Body language often speaks louder than words. Pay attention to their eye contact. Do they hold your gaze a little longer than usual? Do they lean in when talking to you, or mirror your movements and gestures? These non-verbal cues can indicate they are subconsciously trying to connect with you on a deeper level.

Other body language signals include open body posture (uncrossed arms and legs), facing you directly, and touching their face or hair while talking to you. Mirroring, where they subconsciously imitate your movements, is a strong sign of attraction and rapport. If they lean in closer when you're speaking or touch you lightly on the arm or shoulder, it shows they want to be physically closer to you.

#4 Social Media Stalking: What Their Likes and Comments Reveal

Social media interactions can be telling. If your crush frequently likes and comments on your posts, it shows they are paying attention to you. Comments that are more personal or playful can indicate they're trying to engage with you in a more meaningful way.

Notice if they are one of the first to like your posts or if they leave comments that show they are thinking about you. For example, if you post a picture from a recent trip and they comment asking about it or mentioning something specific about the photo, it shows they are interested in your life. Also, pay attention to whether they like older posts or photos they might be scrolling through your profile to learn more about you.

#5 Friendship vs. Flirting: Deciphering Their Interactions

Understanding the difference between friendly behavior and flirting is crucial. Flirting often includes playful teasing, light touches, and more personal conversations. If your crush goes beyond casual chat and engages in more intimate or teasing interactions, it's a good sign they're interested in you romantically.

Friendly behavior tends to be more general and less focused on you specifically. Flirting, on the other hand, is more about creating a special connection. They might compliment your appearance, make an effort to make you laugh, or find excuses to touch you lightly. Pay attention to how they interact with others if they behave differently around you, it could be a sign of their interest.

#6 Personal Space Invaders: Signs They Want to Be Closer

Notice how your crush behaves in terms of personal space. If they tend to stand or sit closer to you than to others, or find excuses to touch you lightly (like a pat on the back or a touch on the arm), it could indicate they feel a special connection and want to be physically closer to you.

People who like each other often create their own little bubble of personal space. If your crush leans in close when talking to you, stands next to you in group settings, or finds excuses to touch you (even lightly), it shows they are comfortable around you and want to be closer. This can also include subtle actions like brushing their hand against yours or standing closer than necessary.

#7 Compliment Counter: Are They Showering You with Praise?

Regular compliments, especially on things beyond just your appearance, can indicate a deeper interest. If your crush frequently praises your personality, skills, or even remembers and compliments the little things about you, it shows they are noticing and appreciating you in a special way.

Compliments that go beyond the surface level, such as "You're really good at this" or "I love how you always know what to say," indicate that they are paying close attention to you. If they compliment you on things like your sense of humor, intelligence, or unique talents, it shows they value more than just your looks. These compliments are often sincere and come from a place of genuine admiration.

#8 Plan Partners: Do They Always Want to Hang Out?

If your crush frequently makes plans to hang out with you, it shows they enjoy your company and want to spend more time with you. Whether it's casual get-togethers or more planned activities, their desire to be around you is a good indicator of their interest.

Notice if they invite you to join group activities or make an effort to include you in their plans. If they suggest doing things together, like going to a movie, grabbing coffee, or attending events, it shows they want to spend quality time with you. Additionally, if they prioritize spending time with you over other plans, it's a strong sign of their interest.

#9 Memory Bank: Remembering Little Details About You

When someone remembers small details about your life, it shows they are paying attention and care about what you say. If your crush brings up things you've mentioned in passing, it indicates they are genuinely interested in you and your life.

For example, if you mentioned your favorite coffee drink once and they bring it to you later, or if they remember your birthday or the name of your pet, it shows they are listening and valuing what you share. Remembering these details and bringing them up later indicates that you are on their mind even when you're not around.

#10 Frequent Facetime: Making Time Just to See You

Consistent effort to see you, whether in person or via video calls, indicates they value your presence in their life. If your crush goes out of their way to spend time with you, it's a strong sign they like you.

Making time to see you, especially in today's busy world, is a significant gesture. If they regularly initiate plans, check in on you, or suggest video calls, it shows they want to maintain a connection. Pay attention to whether they seem genuinely happy and engaged when spending time with you. Consistent and enthusiastic efforts to see you are a clear indication of their interest.

#11 Personal Protector: Always Ready to Help or Defend You

If your crush often steps in to help or defend you, it shows they care about your well-being and want to support you. This protective behavior can indicate deeper feelings and a desire to take care of you.

Notice if they offer help with tasks, stand up for you in discussions, or show concern for your well-being. This can range from small acts like carrying something heavy for you to more significant gestures like defending you in conversations or offering emotional support during tough times. This protective instinct often stems from a deep affection and care.

#12 Gift Giver: Offering Small Tokens of Affection

Giving you thoughtful gifts, even small ones, can be a way of showing affection and that they are thinking of you. These tokens of appreciation can signify that your crush holds you in high regard.

Gifts don't have to be expensive or grand to be meaningful. Small tokens like your favorite snack, a book they think you'd like, or a handmade item can show they are thinking about you. The thought and effort behind the gift matter more than the gift itself. These gestures often indicate that they pay attention to your likes and interests and want to make you happy.

#13 Shared Interests: Bonding Over Common Likes

If your crush takes an interest in your hobbies and tries to engage in activities you enjoy, it can be a sign they want to bond with you. Sharing interests is a way to create a stronger connection and spend more quality time together.

Notice if they show enthusiasm for your hobbies, suggest doing activities you both enjoy, or make an effort to learn more about your interests. For example, if you love hiking and they suggest going on a hike together, or if you're into a particular TV show and they start watching it, it shows they want to share experiences with you. Bonding over common interests helps build a deeper connection.

#14 Future Fantasies: Mentioning Future Plans Together

Talking about future events or plans that involve you indicates they see you as part of their life going forward. Whether it's a casual mention of a concert you'd both like to attend or more serious discussions about future aspirations, it shows they envision a future with you in it.

Pay attention to whether they bring up future plans or events and include you in them. This can be anything from planning a trip together to casually mentioning wanting to see a movie that comes out in a few months. If they talk about long-term goals or dreams and include you in those discussions, it's a strong indication that they see you as an important part of their future.

#15 Mutual Friends: What They Say About Your Crush's Feelings

Sometimes friends can give away clues about your crush's feelings. If mutual friends hint or say positive things about how your crush feels about you, it can be a good sign. Friends often know more than they let on and can provide valuable insights.

Pay attention to comments from mutual friends or how they act around you. They might drop hints or make teasing remarks about you and your crush. If friends seem to encourage your interactions or suggest that your crush likes you, it could be because they've picked up on signals or have been told directly. Friends can be a valuable source of information and can provide confirmation of your crush's feelings 

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I tell if someone likes me based on their body language?

Look for sustained eye contact, leaning in, mirroring actions, and open body posture. Subtle gestures like touching their face or playing with their hair can also be signs of attraction.

What are subtle signs that someone is flirting with me?

Playful teasing, light touches, prolonged eye contact, and deeper conversations are subtle signs. Flirting involves more intimate and focused interactions than casual friendship.

Should I ask my crush directly if they like me?

If you feel comfortable, asking directly can clear up confusion. Be prepared for any answer and respect their response. Open conversations can lead to better understanding.

How do I know if my crush is just being friendly or if they're interested romantically?

Romantic interest is shown through personal and consistent behaviors, such as frequent compliments and physical closeness. Friendly behavior is more casual and general.

Is it possible for someone to like me but not show it?

Yes, some people might be shy or afraid of rejection, causing them to hide their feelings. Look for subtle signs and consider talking to them directly if you're unsure.


Deciphering if your crush likes you back can be challenging, but these 15 tangible signs can help you get a clearer picture. Remember to consider the context of your interactions. Everyone expresses their feelings differently, so these signs should be viewed as part of the bigger picture. If you're still unsure, sometimes the best approach is to have an open and honest conversation with your crush.

Crushes can be complicated, and interpreting signs can be tricky. It's important to keep communication open and be honest about your own feelings. If you feel comfortable, sharing your feelings with your crush can provide clarity and potentially deepen your connection. 

Remember, relationships are built on mutual respect and understanding, so trust your instincts and be true to yourself. If you’re feeling uncertain, our therapists at KMA Therapy are here to help..

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Haseena Baig
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