55 Journal Prompts to Ease Anxiety

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July 6, 2023

55 Journal Prompts to Ease Anxiety


You’ve heard that journaling can be a great way to ease your anxiety. But when you’re feeling overwhelmed, it can be hard to know what to write about.


Here at KMA Therapy, we’re here to make it easier. For over 14 years, we’ve equipped our clients and community with the tools they need to support their mental health.


After reading this article, you’ll have 55 soothing journal prompts to help ease your anxiety.


Soothing Journal Prompts to Boost Your Mental Health


Journaling can be a great way to ease your anxiety, and answering new questions can help you learn even more about yourself.


Here are 55 journal prompts to help you get started:


55 Journal Prompts for Anxiety:


  1. Write down three things you are grateful for today.
  2. Describe your favourite way to make a cup of coffee.
  3. Describe a moment when you felt completely at peace.
  4. Write a poem - if you’re stuck, try starting with a haiku: Five syllables, follow by seven syllables, followed by five more syllables.
  5. List five positive affirmations you can use to calm yourself in moments of stress.
  6. Write a letter to your future self. What are they doing? Where are they living?
  7. Describe a place that makes you feel calm and relaxed.
  8. Write about a recent accomplishment that made you proud.
  9. Make a list of things that bring you joy and happiness.
  10. Write a letter to someone who has been a source of support in your life.
  11. Describe a favourite memory from your childhood.
  12. List three things you love about yourself.
  13. Write down five things you can do to practice self-care.
  14. Describe a challenging situation you successfully overcame.
  15. Make a list of your strengths and talents.
  16. List three things that always make you smile.
  17. Write a letter of forgiveness to yourself or someone else.
  18. Describe a soothing self-care ritual you enjoy.
  19. List your favourite inspirational quotes and why they resonate with you.
  20. Write about a recent act of kindness you performed or received.
  21. List three activities that help you relax and unwind.
  22. Describe a time when you faced a fear and came out stronger.
  23. Write a letter to your future self asking for advice. What would they tell you?
  24. Reflect on a mistake you made and what you learned from it.
  25. Make a gratitude list of 10 things you appreciate about your friends and family.
  26. Describe a book or movie that inspires you and why.
  27. Write about a dream or goal you would like to pursue.
  28. List three ways you can practice mindfulness in your daily life.
  29. Describe a person who brings you peace and calmness.
  30. Write a letter to someone you admire, expressing your appreciation.
  31. Make a list of activities that help you feel grounded and centred.
  32. Reflect on a time when you overcame a significant obstacle in your life.
  33. Write about a hobby or interest that brings you joy and relaxation.
  34. List five positive things that happened to you today.
  35. Describe a natural landscape that makes you feel connected to the world.
  36. Write a letter to your younger self, offering words of encouragement.
  37. Reflect on a time when you received unexpected support from someone.
  38. List your favourite ways to practice self-care on a busy day.
  39. Describe a song or piece of music that helps calm your mind.
  40. Write about a recent act of kindness you witnessed.
  41. List three things that inspire you to stay positive during challenging times.
  42. Describe a daily routine that helps you maintain balance and reduce stress.
  43. Write a letter to someone who has caused you pain, expressing forgiveness.
  44. Reflect on a time when you took a risk and it turned out well.
  45. Make a list of small, achievable goals for the week ahead.
  46. Describe a favourite quote or mantra that brings you peace.
  47. Write about a place you would love to visit for relaxation and tranquillity.
  48. Describe a time when you felt a deep sense of calm and serenity.
  49. Write a letter to a future version of yourself and tell them about how your day went.
  50. Reflect on a recent experience that made you feel proud of your personal growth.
  51. Make a gratitude list of 10 things that make you smile.
  52. Describe a skill or talent you would like to develop further.
  53. Write about a recent compliment you received and how it made you feel.
  54. List three things you can do to create a peaceful environment in your home.
  55. Reflect on a time when you provided comfort and support to someone else.


Feel free to start with whatever prompts resonate with you the most, and use them as a starting point for your journaling.


Write honestly and without judgment – there is no wrong way to journal!


Next Steps for Managing Anxiety


After reading this article, you have 55 new questions to help you start your journaling practice.


Here at KMA Therapy, we know it can feel overwhelming to manage your anxiety on your own. Our dedicated team of anxiety therapists is here to help you learn about where your anxiety comes from and find new strategies to help you overcome it.


Book an appointment today or connect with our team if you have any questions.


If you’re not yet ready to book an appointment, read these articles to keep learning:


Author |
Emily Weatherhead (Guest Author)
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