25 Journal Prompts to Boost Your Mental Health

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June 15, 2023

25 Journal Prompts to Boost Your Mental Health


Journaling has so many benefits for mental health – but what do you even write about?


Here at KMA Therapy, we know that journaling can hold many benefits for your mental health. We’ve gathered 25 journal prompts to help you get started.


After reading this article, you’ll have journal prompts for anxiety, depression, gratitude, inner child healing, and self-reflection.


Journal Prompts for Anxiety


  • What are five things you can see in the room around you?
  • How does anxiety feel in your body? How can you release it?
  • What’s your comfort show, and why do you like to re-watch it?
  • What is the most difficult challenge you’ve faced – and how did you overcome it?
  • Write down everything you’re currently worried about. It can help to get your worries out on paper.


Journal Prompts for Depression


  • What’s something that makes you feel safe?
  • What’s one small thing you look forward to every day?
  • What’s a song that you relate to? How does it make you feel?
  • Write a list of five small things you can do today to take care of yourself.
  • Write a list of all the things you’re good at – they can be whatever you want (maybe you make really good pancakes or you’re a great listener.)


Journal Prompts for Gratitude


  • Write down three good things that happened to you today.
  • Set a five-minute timer and write down as many things you’re grateful for as possible.
  • Choose a friend or family member you’re grateful for and write about what they add to your life.
  • Write a letter to someone thanking them for something they did for you (it’s up to you whether you send it or not!)
  • Set an alarm to go off every hour. Each time the alarm goes off, write down something you’re grateful for in your life.


Inner Child Healing Journal Prompts


  • Is it easy or difficult for you to trust other people?
  • What’s something you like to do for fun? How can you do it more often?
  • Write a letter to someone who hurt you and explain why you forgive them
  • Write a letter to your inner child and forgive yourself for any mistakes you may have made.
  • What was your favourite meal as a child? When is the last time you had it – can you make it sometime this week?


Journaling Prompts for Self-Discovery


  • What makes you feel confident and powerful?
  • What tv or movie character has characteristics you would like to embody? Why?
  • What beliefs do you have that are holding you back? What would you like to believe instead?
  • If you could choose three things to keep doing for the rest of your life, which would you choose?
  • Who’s a tv or movie character who reminds you of yourself? What are their good qualities and where do they have room to grow?


Next Steps for Improving Your Mental Wellness


After reading this article, you have 25 new options for your next journaling session. Which will you try?


Here at KMA Therapy, we’re here if you need any extra support in boosting your wellness. For over 14 years, we’ve helped our clients and community thrive in their live and relationships.


Book an appointment today or connect with our caring team to learn more.


If you’re not yet ready to book an appointment, check out these resources to keep learning:


Author |
Emily Weatherhead (Guest Author)
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KMA Therapy

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