3 Ways to Get Through a Quarter-Life Crisis
Do you feel like all you ever do is wake up, go to work, come home, make dinner, do dishes, go to bed and repeat?
It’s easy to feel like your lives ended when we finished school, and this routine is just looming out in front of you for as far as you can see into the future.
If you're having this kind of quarter life crisis, it's okay because you're not alone.
Here at KMA Therapy, we’re passionate about giving you the tools you need to navigate life’s overwhelming moments.
After reading this article, you’ll know three ways to navigate a quarter-life crisis.
How to Deal with a Quarter-Life Crisis
Experiencing a quarter-life crisis can feel isolating, and it can be tempting to just pretending it isn’t happening.

But ignoring your quarter-life crisis won’t make it go away - in fact,
1. Eyes Open
Number one is that you have to understand where you are to know where you want to go. It can be super easy to just kind of avoid everything that's going on with your life because you don't want to face up to the reality of your situation.
But having a quarter life crisis is a great way to recognize that something does need to change in your life.
Take an honest look at your life and understand the things that you like and the things that you don't.
That's the only way you're going to know what you actually need to change in order to work towards the goals that you actually want to achieve.
2. Back to the Future
Number two might seem counterintuitive, but you're going to actually look back at your past all the way into your childhood.
When you were a kid, you probably had a million different hobbies and passions and things that you wanted to explore. And as you get older, you find that you might not really have any hobbies at all.
Find something that you want to do just for the sake of doing it. Making art doesn't have to turn into some side hustle to earn money. Find something that really lights you up and create for the sake of creating
3. Stay in Your Lane
Number three is to stop comparing yourself to other people. At this time in your life, it can feel like literally everyone is on some different life path.
It can feel a little bit discouraging when you're going through yet another failed talking stage while being invited to another one of your friend's weddings.
But as cliche as it sounds, everyone's life path is different.
Staying in your own lane and focusing on the goals that you have in front of you is going to make you feel a lot better and a lot more motivated.
Next Steps for Navigating a Quarter Life Crisis
After reading this article, you know three new ways to get through your quarter-life crisis.
You don’t have to face a quarter-life crisis all on your own.
Here at KMA Therapy, our existential therapists are here to help guide you toward a more fulfilling life and help you get to the root of what you’re experiencing.
Register today to learn more and ask any questions you might have - our caring team will get back to you in 24 hours.
To learn more about existential therapy, read: What is Existential Therapy? (The Pros and Cons)