Racing To A Better You: 10 Essential Tips To Help You Change Your Bad Habits

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September 11, 2024

Racing To A Better You: 10 Essential Tips To Help You Change Your Bad Habits

Feel like you’re always reaching for that late-night snack or endlessly scrolling through your phone when you should be doing something else? Bad habits have a way of creeping in and sticking around, making it tough to stay on track. They may seem small, but over time, they can really slow you down and keep you from feeling your best.

Maybe it’s hitting snooze every morning or avoiding tasks you need to get done, even when you know they’re important. These habits can feel like they're in control, but they don’t have to be. By making a few key changes, you can start to shift those patterns and build new habits that actually help you move forward.

At KMA Therapy, we know that breaking bad habits takes time, but with the right support, it's possible. We’re here to help you take small, doable steps toward creating healthier routines and feeling more in control of your day-to-day life. 

Identify the Trigger 🚦

The first step to breaking a habit is figuring out what sets it off. Think about the moments when you're most likely to fall into the habit: are you stressed, bored, or in a particular environment? If, for instance, you notice you crave sugary snacks every afternoon, it’s worth asking yourself why. Are you feeling sluggish after lunch or needing a break from work? Understanding the specific situation makes it easier to tackle the habit head-on.

Action Step

A good way to pinpoint the cause is by keeping a journal for a few days. Jot down each time the habit surfaces and what’s going on around you are you feeling tired, bored, or distracted? This simple act of noticing can help you become aware of the patterns and triggers, allowing you to gradually reshape your response instead of automatically following the habit.

Set Clear Goals 🎯

To change a habit effectively, start by setting clear, specific goals. Instead of a broad aim like "I want to be healthier," focus on something concrete and manageable. For instance, you might say, “I’ll walk for 20 minutes every morning” or “I’ll cut out sugary drinks from my diet.” By defining exactly what you want to achieve, you create a clear path to follow, which makes it easier to stay on track.

Action Step

It’s also helpful to break your larger goal into smaller, more manageable steps. If you aim to exercise regularly, start with short, easy workouts and gradually increase their duration or intensity. Progress doesn’t have to be perfect, what matters is making consistent, steady improvements. Celebrate small victories along the way, like completing your first week of workouts or avoiding sugary snacks for a few days, to keep yourself motivated and on course.

Replace the Habit with a Positive One 🌱

Bad habits often stick around because they serve a purpose, like offering comfort or convenience. To make a change, try replacing the unwanted habit with a positive one that satisfies the same need. Imagine this, if you tend to bite your nails when you’re stressed, switch to squeezing a stress ball or practising deep breathing exercises. This way, you’re not just trying to stop a negative behaviour but actively engaging in a new, healthier activity.

Action Step

Concentrate on building this new habit rather than solely focusing on breaking the old one. It’s generally easier to integrate a positive action into your routine than to simply eliminate a bad one. By directing your energy towards establishing a new, beneficial habit, you create a more satisfying and constructive replacement, which helps make the change more sustainable over time.

Use Visual Cues 🖼️

Your environment can greatly influence your habits, so use visual cues to help steer your behavior in the right direction. If you’re trying to cut down on junk food, place healthy snacks where you can easily see them, like on the kitchen counter or at eye level in your pantry. Conversely, tuck away less healthy options where they’re less visible. This simple adjustment makes it easier to choose healthier options without having to think too much about it.

Action Step

Additionally, consider placing visual reminders around your home or workspace. Sticky notes with motivational quotes or images of your goals can serve as constant nudges to keep you focused. Picture this, a note on your fridge might remind you of your intention to eat healthier, helping you stay committed to your goals throughout the day. These small cues keep your objectives top of mind and can make a big difference in maintaining your new habits.

Be Kind to Yourself 💖

Change is a journey, and it's important to be gentle with yourself along the way. If you find yourself slipping back into old habits, don’t be too hard on yourself. Remember, setbacks are a natural part of making lasting changes. View them as opportunities to learn and grow rather than failures. For instance, if you miss a workout or indulge in a snack you’re trying to cut out, don’t let it derail your progress. Instead, use it as a chance to understand what led to the slip and plan how to get back on track. This  compassionate approach helps you stay motivated and committed to your goals.

Action Step

Imagine how you’d support a friend who’s facing a tough time. They'd appreciate kindness and encouragement. Apply the same approach to yourself. When things don’t go as planned, remind yourself that progress is more important than perfection. Offer yourself the same compassion and support you would give to someone you care about, and use any setbacks as a stepping stone to keep moving forward.

Track Your Progress 📈

Tracking your progress is a great way to stay motivated and see how far you’ve come. When you’re trying to change a habit, it can sometimes feel like you’re stuck in the same place. But keeping a record of your successes, no matter how small, can help you see the progress you're making. For instance, if you’re working on cutting down on sugary snacks, jot down each day you successfully avoid them. Seeing these little victories adds up and reinforces your commitment.

Action Step

To make tracking easier, consider using a habit-tracking app or a simple calendar. Each time you stick to your new habit, mark it off. Over time, these small, consistent efforts will create a visible record of your achievements. This tangible evidence of progress can be a powerful motivator, helping you stay focused and encouraged as you work towards your goals.

Stay Accountable 📞

Staying accountable can really boost your chances of breaking a bad habit. Having a friend, family member, or therapist who knows your goals and can offer support makes a big difference. Imagine telling your best friend you’re aiming to cut back on late-night snacking. When they check in on you or offer a bit of encouragement, it can make the challenge feel less daunting.

Action Step

To make this work, find someone you trust and let them in on your journey. Regular check-ins, even if brief, help keep you focused and committed. Knowing that someone is cheering you on can be incredibly motivating. It’s like having a workout buddy for your personal goals, someone to celebrate the small wins with and help you get back on track when things get tough.

Reward Your Success 🎉

Celebrating your successes, even the small ones, can give you a real boost. When you hit a milestone, treat yourself to something that feels special. For example, if you’ve managed to stick to your new habit for a week, enjoy a movie night, have a favorite meal, or take a day to do something you love. These little rewards help keep the journey enjoyable and give you something to look forward to.

Action Step 

Choose rewards that align with your goals. If you’re working on reducing sugar intake, celebrate with something like a new book, a relaxing day out, or a fun activity that doesn’t involve food. Picking the right reward will reinforce your commitment and make the process feel more rewarding and less like a struggle.

Don’t Overwhelm Yourself 🛑

Trying to change everything at once can lead to feeling overwhelmed and discouraged. It’s more effective to tackle one habit at a time. For example, if you’re trying to quit smoking and eat healthier, start with quitting smoking first. Once you’ve established a routine and feel confident, then shift your focus to healthier eating. This step-by-step approach helps you manage each change without feeling like you're taking on too much.

Action Step

Remember, patience is essential in this process. Lasting change takes time and consistent effort, not a single big push. If you’re working on cutting down on late night snacking, give yourself a few weeks to build new habits before moving on to another goal. This way, you build a solid foundation and make progress that sticks, rather than risking burnout from trying to do too much all at once.

Visualize Your Future Self 🏆

Visualizing your future self can be a powerful way to keep motivated. Imagine how your life will be once you’ve successfully changed your habit. For instance, if you’re working on quitting smoking, picture yourself breathing easily, enjoying activities without worrying about cravings, and feeling healthier overall. This mental image can make the goal feel more real and achievable.

Action Step

Try to set aside a few minutes each day for this exercise. Sit in a quiet spot and vividly picture your new, healthier life. Imagine the specific changes, like the satisfaction of a morning jog without coughing or the joy of a more active lifestyle. This simple yet effective practice helps reinforce your commitment and keeps your goal within reach, even when the journey feels challenging.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I identify the triggers for my bad habits?

To find out what triggers your bad habits, pay attention to when and where they occur. Ask yourself if certain situations, feelings, or times of day make you more likely to act on these habits. Keeping a journal to note these patterns can help you spot what’s causing your behavior.

Can bad habits affect other areas of my life?

Yes, bad habits can spill over into different parts of your life, affecting your work, relationships, and overall well-being. For example, if you struggle with procrastination, it might impact your job performance or create stress at home.

What should I avoid while trying to break a bad habit?

Avoid being too hard on yourself or expecting instant results. Also, steer clear of trying to change multiple habits at once, as this can be overwhelming. Focus on one habit at a time and be patient with your progress.

Is it possible to break a habit without professional help?

Yes, you can make progress on your own by setting clear goals, tracking your efforts, and finding support from friends or family. However, professional guidance can offer additional strategies and support to help you succeed more quickly.

How can I stay motivated to keep up with my new habits?

To stay motivated, track your progress, celebrate small wins, and keep reminding yourself of why you want to change. Having a support system and setting clear, achievable goals can also help keep you on track.


Changing bad habits might feel overwhelming at first, but it’s definitely possible with a few clear steps. Start by figuring out what triggers your habits and set specific goals for yourself. It’s okay to take things one step at a time and be kind to yourself along the way. Small victories count!

Remember to replace your old habits with positive ones and keep track of your progress. Celebrate each small win to stay motivated and on track. With these simple, practical steps, you’ll gradually build new, healthier habits and feel better overall. Ready to make a change? Take it one day at a time, and you’ll see how these small adjustments can lead to big improvements.

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At KMA Therapy, we're dedicated to helping you break free from old patterns and build new, healthier routines. Want to get started? Register online or take our Therapy 101 quiz today, and let’s make positive changes together!

Author |
Haseena Baig
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