Could Couples Counselling Help Your Relationship? These 10 Signs Will Let You Know

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October 17, 2023

Could Couples Counselling Help Your Relationship? These 10 Signs Will Let You Know


Is your relationship really where you want it to be?

If you often find yourself wondering if this is as good as it gets, or hoping things with your partner could be better, you might be interested in couples counselling.

Here at KMA Therapy, we know couples counselling is a huge investment of your time, money, and energy. You want to know if it’ll be worth it, and we’re here to help you figure it out.

These 10 signs from KMA Therapist Julieta Melano Zittermann will help you know for sure whether couples counselling is the best next step for you and your partner.

10 Signs it’s Time for Couples Counselling

1. You keep repeating the same arguments 

You keep having the same argument over and over and over again. Some couples fight all the time but never make any progress. That's a sign that a therapist can help.


2. Your arguments are getting mean

If one or both of you is displaying disrespect or in your arguments, it may be a sign that you need somebody there to mediate your conversations and keep them safe.


3. There's a lack of communication

On the flip side, if you feel like one or both of you have completely given up on talking to one another, this is a major red flag. Usually, when a person shuts down, it's because they feel like they've tried to communicate and it hasn't worked. That's where therapists can come in and help facilitate those conversations.


4. There’s no passion

Whether you feel like you can't give your partner the intimacy that they require or you feel like you're not getting that intimacy from your partner, a therapist can help bring the passion back into your relationship.


5. There’s been infidelity in the relationship

Infidelity can rock a relationship and couples rarely survive an affair without assistance. If there's been infidelity in your relationship, it's probably a good idea to get couples counselling right away.


6. Your partner wants to try counselling

This alone is reason enough to get couples counselling. That decision to go or not go with your partner could be the very thing that saves your relationship.


7. You’re going through a life transition

Whether it's buying a house, having a kid, or losing your parents, all of these life transitions are going to bring stuff up in your relationship that you may not have seen coming. Even if your relationship hasn't faced these issues before, it's totally normal for them to come up as life throws you curveballs.


8. You’re getting married soon

This one speaks for itself. Here at KMA Therapy we do premarital counselling all the time. The couples that do premarital counselling are set up for success, having ironed out the issues before they get married rather than after.


9. You want to explore a non-traditional relationship

Non-traditional relationships are becoming more and more common. Whether you and your partner are interested in opening your relationship, or just throwing something new into the mix, a couples counselor is trained to help you navigate these changes and negotiate the contract that works best for both of you.


10. You're navigating parenting issues

Need I say more? Raising kids is a really difficult and often tumultuous process. Whether you're coming from a blended family or you're negotiating how you want to raise your kids. Couples counselling can be a really safe space to talk about these often sensitive issues.

Next Steps to Help Your Relationship Thrive

After reading this article, you know ten signs it’s time to see a couples counsellor.

At KMA Therapy, we’re relationship experts. We’ll match you with the best couples counsellor for you and create a customized plan to help you figure out the best next steps for you and your partner.

Register for your appointment to get started today.

To keep learning, explore these resources we’ve chosen for you:

Author |
Emily Weatherhead (Guest Author)
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