The Pros and Cons of Therapy

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April 13, 2023

The Pros and Cons of Therapy


Therapy is often positioned as the one and only fix for your mental health.


And while it is incredibly effective, sometimes it just doesn’t fit into your life or suit your current needs.


Here at KMA Therapy, we’re passionate about helping you learn everything you need to care for your mental wellness. For over 14 years, we’ve educated our clients and our community on everything related to mental health and wellness – including therapy and therapy techniques.


After reading this article, you’ll know some pros and cons of attending therapy, alternatives to therapy, and how to know if it’s the right choice for you.


Pros of Attending Therapy


Therapy is an effective way to help you manage anxiety, depression, stress, and a wide range of other mental health challenges. Many people credit therapy as the best decision they’ve made for themselves – and see many positive changes in their life after attending therapy.


Pros of Therapy include:


  • Therapy is Effective
  • You Get Professional Support
  • You Have Someone to Listen Without Judgment


Therapy is effective, and there are countless research studies showing how it can help with issues like anxiety and depression. Speaking with a therapist and getting an objective perspective on your life and challenges can be incredibly validating.


Therapists are also professionals who have specialized tools, tips, and resources to help you heal. Therapists require years of education, giving them the experience to support you. They also have access to a network of resources if you need any kind of additional support.


Therapists are able to listen to you without judgment because they aren’t a part of your life. They’re here to support you with undivided attention and can help you see sides of situations that you hadn’t considered before.


Cons of Attending Therapy


Therapy is incredibly effective, but that doesn’t automatically make it the perfect solution for everyone. There are some factors to consider before beginning therapy, and you need to understand how therapy can fit into your life.


Cons of Therapy include:


  • Therapy is Expensive
  • You Might Start Feeling Worse
  • You Might See the Wrong Therapist


Therapy is expensive, and not everyone can afford it. Sliding-scale options are a great way to pay for therapy based on your income, but still might be outside of your budget. Many therapy options are covered by standard workplace benefits packages, but it can be hard to afford therapy if you don’t have a job with benefits.


You can start feeling worse after attending therapy. While this is often a step you need to take to start feeling better, you might not be in a place in your life where you’re ready to take it.


You might see the wrong therapist, or see a few therapists you dislike before finding the right one. Seeing a therapist who doesn’t understand you, or who isn’t the right fit, can feel discouraging.

therapy pros and cons


Therapy Alternatives


If therapy isn’t something you can or want to do right now, there are still many ways you can care for your mental health.


Alternatives to Attending Therapy:


  • Speaking to a Friend
  • Create a Self-Care Routine
  • Care for Your Physical Health


Speaking to a friend is not the same as speaking to a therapist. But if what you’re looking for is simply someone to listen to, sharing with a trusted friend can be a great way to open up. A lot of the time, it can feel scary to be vulnerable. But the simple act of sharing your concerns with a friend can lessen the weight you feel.


Creating a self-care routine is a great way to support yourself and start feeling better. There are six types of self-care, including practical self-care and emotional self-care. Supporting yourself in all areas of your life can give you a stronger base to support your mental health.


Caring for your physical health is directly tied to your mental health. Exercise holds many mental health benefits – and something as simple as taking a daily walk around the block can really boost your mood.


Deciding Whether Therapy is Right for You


Ultimately, you’re the only one who can decide whether therapy will be the best solution for the challenges you’re facing.


If you’re on the fence, attending a session is a great way to help you decide. Meeting with a therapist, seeing how it feels to open up about your struggles, and learning a few new coping skills can help you explore whether therapy could benefit you.


(But remember, if your first therapist isn’t the right fit, it’s okay to keep looking for another one!)


Next Steps for Beginning Therapy


After reading this article, you know the pros and cons of therapy, and therapy alternatives.


Here at KMA Therapy, we want your therapy journey to be as impactful as possible. We’re here to ensure the money, time, and energy you commit to the therapy process helps you see meaningful progress in your life.


During your introductory session, we’ll ask you questions to explore to challenges you’re facing, match you with your ideal therapist, and create a customized therapy plan for you.


Book an appointment today, or connect with our caring team if you have any questions.


If you’re not ready to book an appointment, check out these resources to keep learning:


About the Author

Emily Weatherhead has a Masters in Community Psychology from Wilfrid Laurier University, where her research focused on improving post-secondary student mental health. She is passionate about finding new ways to make mental health research more accessible and break down the barriers that prevent people from receiving mental health care.

Author |
Emily Weatherhead (Guest Author)
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