Five Tips to Deal with Stress at School

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Published Date|
January 14, 2023

Five Tips to Deal with Stress at School


Hey there! My name is Gowry from KMA Therapy, and today I'm going to talk to you guys about post-secondary school stress. 

Undergrad is not an easy stage in life and there are multiple obstacles and changes to happen throughout it. It can be a really stressful time and today I'm going to give you guys my five top tips for overcoming school stress. 

Number one: Get Organized

It’s very important to stay organized. There's a sense of confidence that you get when you are organized. It helps reduce stress. 

So to start, make yourself a personalized schedule. Get an agenda or even do it on your phone. Add in all of your evaluations, your deadlines, and anything else that's important. You can actually stay on top of it and pre-plan for what's to come.

Number two: Set Goals 

Setting goals is very important. Whether it's a small one like getting an “A” on your psych paper, or as big as getting Honour Roll, setting goals could actually help you stay motivated and encouraged, reducing your stress level - mostly when it comes to the time of the evaluation.

Number three: No Procrastination 

Procrastination is very easy and I'm the worst at this. Soon enough, it’ll all catch up to you and it'll add to the stress. Mostly during a stressful period, like your midterms, your finals, or while you're writing a paper. Additional stress never helps and procrastination tends to do that a lot.

Number four: Drink Matcha 

Matcha is essentially like green tea but a stronger version of it, and the caffeine lasts a lot longer than coffee. And you don't have that crash like coffee. 

It also has an amino acid called L-Theanine. The chemical properties in L-Theanine actually help you stay calm and zen, essentially helping you throughout that stressful time. Last but not least, number five.

Number five: Talking to Someone

Whether it's a friend, a family member, or someone you trust like a therapist, talking can help and in some cases, it could actually help find a solution to the stressful problem. 

Here at KMA Therapy, we have a team of counsellors that are dedicated to helping you overcome that stress. We offer counselling in person and on Skype. We love taking on new clients.

I hope you guys enjoyed this and we'll see you guys next week with another video on mental health. Bye, everyone!

More Support for Dealing with School Stress

After watching this video, you know five great ways to deal with school stress.

Here at KMA Therapy, our experienced team of therapists has been helping our clients manage their stress for over 14 years. 

Whether online or in-person, we’re here to help you navigate stressful moments and get the support you need to live your most fulfilling life.

Book an appointment today or connect with our team to learn more.

If you’re not yet ready to book an appointment, explore these articles:

Author |
Emily Weatherhead (Guest Author)
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