How To Have A Spicy Valentine's Day (Even After All These Years!)

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February 3, 2012

How To Have A Spicy Valentine's Day (Even After All These Years!)

Valentine’s Day is fast approaching, and with it comes chocolate hearts, candy, romantic handwritten letters, and love.

As a relationship expert, I must admit, it’s my favourite time of year! But for many of us, it can also be the most stressful. The truth is, Valentine’s Day is not simple, and it’s often the source of confusion. What gift to buy our loved one? What does my partner expect? How will they react?

It’s also common to feel a lot of pressure for things to be “spicy!” If you’re in a long-term relationship, Valentine’s Day might not feel as ‘spicy’ as it used to. When we’re married, have children, or growing families, romance can feel like it’s last on our priority list. But the truth is, it’s normal and actually very healthy to enjoy intimacy with your partner despite life’s happenings.

Here’s how to amp up the romance this Valentine’s Day, even after all these years:

1) Your Words are Just as Important as a Gift:

Many of us feel stress because of gift-giving, but what truly makes us smile are your words. Write a handwritten love note or card to let your loved one know that you love them more now than the day you met, or remind them of a funny story from when you began to date. Conversation is the foundation of a relationship and engaging in it can help you feel a greater sense of intimacy.

2) Change it Up:

Getting stuck in the routine of everyday living gets us too comfortable and less likely to have a ‘spicy’ Valentine’s Day. Change up something in your lives, just for the day! Whether you visit the place you met, go ice-skating and warm up to hot chocolate, take a road trip to a place you’ve never been, your experience will be much more memorable and lasting if it’s something you’re experiencing for the first time!

3) Schedule Time:

This might sound silly, but it works. If you want to have intimate time with your partner on Valentine’s Day, it’s important to schedule it in. Whether it’s a more elaborate trip away for the weekend, or simply some quiet time when the kids are with the babysitter, carving out time for just the two of you makes it special.

4) Have Fun:

When we spend fun, stress-free time with our partners, we remember how we feel when we’re around them. Whether it’s sexy, smart, funny, laid-back, or charismatic, that special spark will always come back when you realize why you fell in love in the first place.

Happy Valentine’s Day!

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Valentine’s Day
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