What is AI Therapy? (The Pros and Cons)

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August 3, 2023

What is AI Therapy? (The Pros and Cons)

The conversation surrounding AI is bigger than ever before. Whether you’re looking for a program to write you a story or create a customized picture, there’s an AI for it.

AI therapy might be one of the most controversial types of AI to enter in the discussion.

Here at KMA Therapy, we know you want the truth about the different therapy options available to you. For over 14 years, we’ve educated our clients and community on different types of therapy, and help them learn what the best fit is for them.

After reading this article, you’ll know what AI therapy is, its pros and cons, and alternatives to consider.

What is AI Therapy?

AI therapy is not as new as it seems - there have been AI-based therapy programs around for over a decade. Originally, they were used to help bring mental health services to people in rural areas who didn’t have easy access to therapy services.

AI therapy programs have traditionally used artificial intelligence to track, analyze, and respond to client’s moods and inquiries.

Nowadays, the term AI therapy is being used more loosely, and many people are using it to refer to any AI tool they’re using as a replacement therapy.

For example, you might consider speaking to ChatGPT to be AI therapy - after all, it can provide helpful examples of things like anxiety coping skills and ways to recognize depression.

While there’s quite a bit of debate as to whether AI therapy is being used to supplement or replace traditional therapy, it’s worth it to explore how it could fit into your mental health routine.

ai therapy pros and cons

The Pros of AI Therapy

AI therapy can feel like a 24/7 mental health coach that’s available whenever you need it. 

It’s often able to provide answers to pressing questions in a helpful way, and can be a great first stop when exploring self-directed exercises and tips for mental health.

Pros of AI therapy include:

  • Can act as a search engine for self-directed research
  • Can provide helpful answers to pressing problems
  • Can supplement traditional types of therapy
  • Usually low cost
  • Accessible

The Cons of AI Therapy

While AI therapy is quick and convenient, it lacks the level of confidentiality and security you can expect from a traditional therapist. (Some AI therapy programs can be secure and confidential, but these are typically paid for and run in conjunction with other forms of therapy.)

Beyond concerns about your privacy, the quality of care you receive from an AI program is not the same as what you’ll receive from speaking to a real therapist.

Cons of AI therapy include:

  • No crisis support
  • Can’t give diagnoses
  • A lack of confidentiality
  • No connection with another person
  • Lack of empathy or personal relationship
  • Lack of referrals to other services if needed

While AI therapy can be an interesting way to self-reflect and find new coping skills, you shouldn’t give out personal information to AI systems with no security in place.

AI programs are also unable to give you a proper diagnosis, relate to your personal experiences, or make inferences based on your tone or body language.

Exploring alternatives to AI therapy can be a helpful way to understand what your options are and empower you to make the right decisions for your own mental health.

Alternatives to AI Therapy

Many people turn to AI therapy because it is accessible, often free, and doesn’t have wait times.

These options can have some of those same benefits, while offering you a safer and often more enriching experience.

Alternatives to AI Therapy include:

  • Seeing an insurance-covered therapist
  • Accessing free programs, webinars, or blogs provided by real therapists
  • Exploring crisis services, like websites and hotlines, if you’re experiencing a mental health crisis

These options can often help reduce the financial burden of therapy and provide you immediate support.

Next Steps for Starting Therapy

After reading this article, you know what AI therapy is and how to know whether it is the right choice for you.

Here at KMA Therapy, we offer both online and in-person therapy options. We also offer free blog posts, videos, and therapy guides through our Learning Centre. 

If you’re interested in learning more, fill out our Registration Form and our caring team will get back to you within 24 hours with a personalized response to your questions.

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Author |
Emily Weatherhead (Guest Author)
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KMA Therapy

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