What is Autumn Burnout? (& 3 Ways to Feel Better)
The leaves start changing colour, your favourite fall drinks are back at Starbucks, and you’re ready to watch a marathon of nostalgic Halloween movies.
But even though you’re excited for a new season, something feels off.
You’re also feeling drained, unmotivated, and bored.
Here at KMA Therapy, we know how easy it can be to get burnt out. We’re here to teach you about burnout so you know how to recognize it and get the support you deserve.
After reading this article, you’ll know what autumn burnout is, signs of autumn burnout, and three ways to beat it.
What is Autumn Burnout?
Autumn burnout is the feeling of mental, emotional, and physical exhaustion that you feel when the seasons shift from summer to fall.
Even though the days are getting cooler and the nights are getting longer, we feel a pressure to leave the ease of summer behind and start working harder.

Whether you’re heading back to intense classes or gearing up for the last quarter of the business year, the demands of autumn can easily lead to burnout.
Signs of Autumn Burnout Include:
- Feeling tired, irritated, and bored
- Frustration at work
- Feeling apathetic
- Issues with sleep
- Trouble focusing
Another sign of burnout is experiencing transition anxiety.
What is Transition Anxiety?
Transition anxiety happens when you experience increased feelings of stress and anxiety about a change that’s happening in your life.
You can have transition anxiety about large-scale changes, like moving to a new city, or smaller changes, like starting a new season.
No matter what kind of change you’re facing, your routine gets thrown off, you need to make adjustments, and you feel uneasy.
3 Ways to Beat Autumn Burnout
Acknowledging autumn burnout is half the battle - but now that you know there’s a problem, how can you solve it?
These three tips can help you beat autumn burnout and get back on track.
1. Establish a new routine
The start of a new season can mean that your daily routine is completely thrown off.
Maybe your summer was filled with late night walks by the water and reading outside in the afternoons.
But as much as you try to keep up this routine, you find yourself walking in the dark and shivering through the best chapters in your books.
Starting a new routine can help you establish a sense of control and stability.
Try swapping out your late night walk for an evening yoga class, and read in bed with a cup of tea instead of outside.
This is also a great time of year to try something new - take that class you’ve been curious about or start that hobby you’ve been procrastinating.
2. Make a maintenance plan
Maintaining your physical and mental health can help you combat autumn burnout.
How are you taking care of yourself?
Try building these into your daily routine:
- Eating nourishing foods
- Getting good, deep sleep
- Moving your body in a way that feels good
- Taking time for self-reflection and journaling
3. Keep in touch
Summertime is filled with patio nights, outdoor concerts, and walks with friends.
As it gets colder, we tend to shut ourselves inside - and shut ourselves away from the people we care about.
Make an effort to keep in touch with your friends and family.
Whether you want to host a cozy board game night or set up a FaceTime movie date, keep your relationships high up on your list of priorities.
Next Steps for Beating Burnout
After reading this article, you know how to create a routine that will help you overcome autumn burnout.
If you need some extra support, our team of therapists is here to help.
Download our Therapy 101 Guide to learn more, or register online if you’re ready for your first appointment.
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