3 Things TV Gets Wrong About Therapy

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June 9, 2023

3 Things TV Gets Wrong About Therapy

Tv shows can be a great escape from reality - but sometimes they can take it a little too far.

If you’ve been learning everything about therapy from what you see on tv, you might be surprised by how different therapy can look in real life.

Here at KMA Therapy, we’re passionate about helping you learn the truth about therapy and get the therapy experience you deserve.

After watching this video, you’ll know three things that are different on tv than in real life - and what to know instead.


If you’ve never been to therapy before you probably have a bad taste in your mouth from some of the therapists you've seen on TV. 

I've been working at KMA Therapy for 10 years, and let me tell you, the things you see therapists do on TV are not at all the reality. 

1. Therapists Tell You What You Have to Do

First of all the therapists who are on TV are always telling you what to do. People I talk to on the phone always think this is true. Wouldn't it be so nice if your therapist had all the answers to all your problems? 

The reality is therapists have a lot of clinical expertise, but they're not going to tell you what to do. They're here to provide the knowledge, structure and roadmap to help you make the decisions that are right for you. 

2. Therapists are Pretentious and Uptight

Number two, if you watch a lot of therapists on TV, you're probably expecting a stuffy, pretentious therapist. 

But not all therapists have tweed suits and have their degrees hanging on the wall. Therapists come in all shapes and sizes, different ethnicities, different backgrounds, and different life experiences. 

Sure, there are therapists who are more serious and formal if that's what you're looking for. But the best therapist for you might have tattoos and colourful hair. As a matter of fact, they might even drop the F-bomb during a session. It's all about your rapport. 

3. Therapists Can’t Wait for You To Leave

Finally, therapists get a bad rap in this department. They’re always looking at their watch or the clock on their wall, making you think they're itching to leave the session. “Oh, our time is up.”

That's not how it goes. A good therapist is never waiting for you to leave. They're genuinely invested in what you have to say. Sure, they have to stay on schedule, but just remember they chose to be a therapist for a reason. The therapists here at KMA Therapy absolutely love what they do. They care about you and they want you to be successful. 

Next Steps for Starting Your Therapy Journey

After reading this article, you know three common misconceptions about therapy - and what you should look for instead.

Here at KMA Therapy, we’re passionate about helping you have the best experience possible. For over 14 years, our team has helped our clients and community learn the truth about therapy.

Book an appointment today or connect with our caring team to learn more.

If you’re not yet ready to book an appointment, check out these articles to learn more:

Author |
Emily Weatherhead (Guest Author)
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KMA Therapy

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