Why Is Therapy So Expensive?

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Published Date|
August 12, 2023

Why Is Therapy So Expensive?


Have you ever wondered why therapy can be so expensive? In many places around the world therapy can run between 60 and $300 an hour, which is a lot.


There's a pretty common misconception that therapist charges much simply because they want to make as much money as possible – but usually, they’re charging what they need to in order to give you the best experience possible.


Here at KMA Therapy, we know you want transparency about the therapy process. For over 14 years, we’ve educated our clients and community on the truth about therapy so that you can feel equipped to make the best decisions for yourself.


After reading this article, you’ll know what goes into the cost of therapy as well as tips on how you can save money during the therapy process.


What Goes Into The Cost of Therapy?


When you're paying for therapy. You're paying for a lot more than just the 50 minutes or hour that you're sitting with your therapist in session.


Your therapist spends a lot of time in between sessions thinking about you and coming up with different ways to move your treatment plan along.

why is therapy so expensive

They're also paying for things like licensing fees, which are really important because that's what makes sure that your therapist actually has the credentials to give you the help you need.


On top of that, expenses like supervisor fees and insurance costs can really drive up the price of what you're paying for your therapy session.


The cost of your therapy session covers:


  • Office spaces
  • Liscencing fees
  • Supervisor fees
  • The time you spend in session
  • The time your therapist spends planning between sessions


How to Afford Therapy


The good news is that the vast majority of therapists take insurance.


It is definitely worth your time to look into your workplace, college, or university benefits package and see what kind of coverage they offer for therapy sessions.


If you don't have insurance, or you don't have enough insurance to cover everything you need, you should definitely look into something called sliding scale fees.


What Are Sliding-Scale Fees?


Some therapists have some flexibility in what they charge their clients, so they'll use sliding scale fees to charge you a price based on your income.


Looking for a sliding scale fees is a great way to still get high quality care at a price that you can afford.


Next Steps for Affordable Mental Health Care


After reading this article, you know what goes into the cost of therapy and two ways to make it more affordable.


Here at KMA Therapy, we want to help you get the care you deserve.


Our services our covered by most benefits plans under “Psychological Services” and we also offer sliding-scale fees on a case-by-case basis.


Fill out our Registration Form to learn more about what therapy options can work best for you.


Check out these articles to keep learning:


Author |
Emily Weatherhead (Guest Author)
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KMA Therapy

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